Com sua Anja, Top Gaúcha apresenta Noah, o novo integrante da família
With her Anja, Top Gaucha presents Noah, the new family member
With her Anja, Top Gaucha presents Noah, the new family member
Ela é um dos ícones fashion mais badalados do momento. Figura no poderoso time de tops que levam o nome do Brasil mundo afora. Mas é longe de todo esse frenesi que Alessandra Ambrosio (31) desfruta os melhores momentos da vida. “Formar uma família era um sonho de menina. Antes de pensar em construir uma carreira, eu já escolhia os nomes dos meus filhos”, revela a gaúcha.
She is one of the trendiest fashion icons of the moment. Figure in the powerful team tops that take the name of Brazil worldwide. But it's far from all this frenzy that Alessandra Ambrosio (31) enjoying the best moments of life. "Forming a family was a dream girl. Before thinking about building a career, I chose the names of my children, "says the gaucha.
She is one of the trendiest fashion icons of the moment. Figure in the powerful team tops that take the name of Brazil worldwide. But it's far from all this frenzy that Alessandra Ambrosio (31) enjoying the best moments of life. "Forming a family was a dream girl. Before thinking about building a career, I chose the names of my children, "says the gaucha.
Serena, ela recebeu CARAS, com exclusividade, em seu apartamento, em Florianópolis, tendo nos braços o que chama de seu “segundo milagre”, Noah Phoenix, nascido no dia 7 de maio. “Gerar uma vida é especial”, vibra Alê, mãe de Anja Louise (3), também fruto da união de cinco anos com o empresário norte-americano Jamie Mazur (34). “Me sinto completa e superfeliz ao lado do meu marido e filhos”, ressalta a beldade, que para celebrar o momento doou, em parceria com a Pampers, 150,000 reais para projetos sociais do Unicef.
Calm, she received CARAS, exclusively, in his apartment in Florianopolis, taking arms what she calls her "second miracle" Phoenix Noah, born on May 7. "Generate a life is special," vibrates Ale, mother Anja Louise (3), also the fruit of the union of five years with American businessman Jamie Mazur (34). "I feel complete and superhappy beside my husband and sons," says the beauty, who has donated to celebrate the moment, in partnership with Pampers, 150,000 dollars to UNICEF's social projects.
Calm, she received CARAS, exclusively, in his apartment in Florianopolis, taking arms what she calls her "second miracle" Phoenix Noah, born on May 7. "Generate a life is special," vibrates Ale, mother Anja Louise (3), also the fruit of the union of five years with American businessman Jamie Mazur (34). "I feel complete and superhappy beside my husband and sons," says the beauty, who has donated to celebrate the moment, in partnership with Pampers, 150,000 dollars to UNICEF's social projects.
Fala do momento especial que vive com seus tesouros. Mãe coruja, ela não se cansa de dedicar todo o seu tempo aos cuidados com os filhos.
Speak of the special moment that lives with her treasures. Proud mother, she never tired of spending all her time caring for children.
Desdobrando-se em cuidados com os herdeiros, a modelo demonstra tranquilidade e segurança. “Nós, mulheres, temos esse dom”, diverte-se ela, que há 11 anos é uma das angels da grife Victoria’s Secret. “Amo meu trabalho. Ainda há muito o que desejo fazer”, avisa a top, a sexta mais bem paga do mundo, com faturamento de 6,6 milhões de dólares em 2011, segundo a revista Forbes.
Unfolding in care of the heirs, the model demonstrates peace and security. "We women, have this gift", she laughs, that 11 years is one of the angels of Victoria's Secret. "I love my work. There is still much I want to do", says the top, the sixth highest paid in the world with revenues of $ 6.6 million in 2011, according to Forbes magazine.
Unfolding in care of the heirs, the model demonstrates peace and security. "We women, have this gift", she laughs, that 11 years is one of the angels of Victoria's Secret. "I love my work. There is still much I want to do", says the top, the sixth highest paid in the world with revenues of $ 6.6 million in 2011, according to Forbes magazine.
–O que mudou na sua vida com a maternidade?/ What changed in your life with motherhood?
– Vivo para os meus filhos, tudo que faço é pensando no futuro deles. Olhá-los é ver o meu sonho realizado. Quando engravidei da Anja foi uma surpresa e, desde então, vinha planejando um irmãozinho para ela. Não sei se vamos parar por aqui.
I live for my children, all I do is thinking about their future. Look them is to see my dream come true. When I got pregnant the Anja was a surprise and since then had been planning a little brother to her. Don't know if we'll stop here.
I live for my children, all I do is thinking about their future. Look them is to see my dream come true. When I got pregnant the Anja was a surprise and since then had been planning a little brother to her. Don't know if we'll stop here.
– E o Jamie?/ And Jamie?
– A cumplicidade é maior. Formamos a família que tanto queríamos.
Complicity is bigger. We form the family that both wanted.
Complicity is bigger. We form the family that both wanted.
– Ele acompanhou o parto?/ He accompanied the birth?
– O Jamie estava ao meu lado o tempo todo. Foi ele quem pegou o Noah no colo pela primeira vez e o trouxe para mim. Ele segurava a minha mão e ia filmando com a outra. Os vídeos estão um pouco conturbados, mas valeu a pena. (risos)
Jamie was beside me all the time. It is he who took Noah on his lap for the first time and brought it to me. He held my hand and went filming with the other. The videos are a little disturbed, but worth it. (laughs)
Jamie was beside me all the time. It is he who took Noah on his lap for the first time and brought it to me. He held my hand and went filming with the other. The videos are a little disturbed, but worth it. (laughs)
– O que sentiu ao ver o Noah?/ How did you feel when you see the Noah?
– Queria ver se ele era perfeitinho, olhei para o rosto dele e perguntei se estava bem, com saúde. Fiquei super agradecida. Ele é um presente. Chorei muito.
I wanted to see if he was perfect, looked at his face and asked if he was okay, with health. I was super grateful. He is a gift. I cried a lot.
I wanted to see if he was perfect, looked at his face and asked if he was okay, with health. I was super grateful. He is a gift. I cried a lot.
– Ele se parece com quem?/ He looks like who?
– O Jamie acha que ele vai ser mais parecido comigo, tem meus olhos e o meu tom de pele. Lembro que com a Anja não tive dúvidas, me vi no rosto dela. Já com o Noah não consegui decifrar. Talvez pela carinha de menino, ainda estou aprendendo.
Jamie thinks he will be more like me, have my eyes and my skin tone. I remember with Anja had no doubts, I saw me in her face. Already Noah could not decipher. Maybe the face of a boy, I'm still learning.
– Quem escolheu o nome dele?/ Who chose the name?
– Ficamos entre dois e, então, no dia em que ele ia nascer, pedi à Anja que escolhesse. Noah é um nome bíblico, sempre achei lindo. E Phoenix transmite força.
We were between two and then, on the day he was born, I asked Anja to choose from. Noah is a biblical name, always thought it was beautiful. And Phoenix transmits strength.
We were between two and then, on the day he was born, I asked Anja to choose from. Noah is a biblical name, always thought it was beautiful. And Phoenix transmits strength.
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Com o herdeiro no colo, a beldade gaúcha irradia felicidade With the heir to the cervix, the gaucha beauty radiates happiness |
– Como a Anja o recebeu?/ How Anja received?
– Ela estava feliz e muito ansiosa. Assistiu ao nascimento pelo vídeo e até chorou. Ela foi uma das primeiras pessoas a tocar nele e fica toda orgulhosa com isso.
She was happy and very excited. Attended the birth by video and even cried. She was one of the first people to touch him and is very proud about it.
She was happy and very excited. Attended the birth by video and even cried. She was one of the first people to touch him and is very proud about it.
– Ela teve ciúmes?/ She was jealous?
– Quando voltamos da maternidade ela fez uma apresentação de dança. Não foi ciúmes, mas queria mostrar que tinha coisas novas a oferecer. Agora, ela está toda zelosa, quer mostrá-lo para o mundo. Já o colocou no carrinho de boneca e saiu empurrando pela casa.
When we returned from maternity leave she did a dance performance. It was not jealousy, but she wanted to show that she had something new to offer. Now, she's all jealous, she wants to show him to the world. Have put him in doll stroller and was pushing around the house.
When we returned from maternity leave she did a dance performance. It was not jealousy, but she wanted to show that she had something new to offer. Now, she's all jealous, she wants to show him to the world. Have put him in doll stroller and was pushing around the house.
– Por que optou por ter seus filhos no Brasil?/ Why chose to have their children in Brazil?
– No caso da Anja, preferi estar aqui para ter meus pais e minha irmã por perto e poder falar a minha língua caso algo ocorresse. Já com o Noah, o plano era que ele nascesse nos EUA, mas cheguei no Brasil e não senti mais vontade de voltar.
In the case of Anja, I chose to be here to have my parents and my sister standing by my side and able to speak my language if anything happened. Already with Noah, the plan was that he was born in the U.S., but I got in Brazil and I did not feel desire to return.
In the case of Anja, I chose to be here to have my parents and my sister standing by my side and able to speak my language if anything happened. Already with Noah, the plan was that he was born in the U.S., but I got in Brazil and I did not feel desire to return.
– Vê diferença entre ser mãe de menino e menina?/ Do you see the difference between being a mom of boy and girl?
– Com menina já vamos colocando top, saia, brinco. Com menino é mais fácil. Mas há uma coisa forte entre mãe e filho, vira uma paixão louca desde a barriga. Anja e eu temos uma cumplicidade deliciosa, com o Noah a sensação é diferente, é mais protetora.
With girl we have put top, skirt, earring. With boy is easier. But there is something strong between mother and child, becomes an mad passion from the belly. Anja and I have a delicious complicity with Noah the feeling is different, more protective.
With girl we have put top, skirt, earring. With boy is easier. But there is something strong between mother and child, becomes an mad passion from the belly. Anja and I have a delicious complicity with Noah the feeling is different, more protective.
– E a rotina de mãe?/ And the routine of mother?
– É a melhor coisa da vida. Por mim, ficaria o dia todo grudada neles. Adoro dar banho, fazê-los dormir e, no caso do Noah, amamentar. Me sinto totalmente conectada a ele.
It's the best thing in life. For me, I would be stuck in them all day. I love to bath, to make them sleep and in the case of Noah, breast-feeding. I feel totally connected to him.
It's the best thing in life. For me, I would be stuck in them all day. I love to bath, to make them sleep and in the case of Noah, breast-feeding. I feel totally connected to him.
– É difícil dosar trabalho e maternidade?/ It is difficult to dose work and motherhood?
– Avalio o que realmente vale a pena para me tirar de casa e de perto das crianças. Nada no mundo me faria perder uma data especial ou um momento importante para elas. Abro mão do dinheiro que for.
I evaluate what's really worth it to get me out of house and near the children. Nothing in the world would make me lose a special date or an important moment for them. I give up of the money that
I evaluate what's really worth it to get me out of house and near the children. Nothing in the world would make me lose a special date or an important moment for them. I give up of the money that
– Como é a Alessandra longe das passarelas, no dia a dia?/ How is Alessandra away from walkways, day by day?
– Não uso maquiagem, não arrumo o cabelo e procuro usar roupas confortáveis. Meu dia a dia é dos meus filhos.
Do not wear makeup, do not try to fix up my hair and wear comfortable clothing. My day to day is for my children.
Do not wear makeup, do not try to fix up my hair and wear comfortable clothing. My day to day is for my children.
Source: Caras
1 comentários:
This is adorable
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